Journal Entry 4

Date: 16.05.2023


- I managed to do so the enemy turns the weapon towards the player, now he can kill the player even when they are on different levels. However only the gun rotates without arms, but at least it works, so I returned crouching. 

- I managed to make it so that the enemy turns the weapon towards the player, now he can kill the player, even if they are on different levels. However, only weapon without arms turn, but at least it works, so I brought back crouching. 

- Added sounds to the game: fire, background, footsteps, death sounds.

- Added enemy spawners

- Fixed enemy's reloading


I wanted to add peeking out from around the corner, but it doesn't work properly, so I gave up on that for now.

Invested hours:  7 hours

Files 77 MB
May 16, 2023

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