Journal Entry 2

Date: 03.04.2023


I've implemented all the gameplay mechanics that were specified in the one page game design. Here is the list:

According to design the 2 and the 3 doormust be open when the pad is pressed and closed otherwise. Thus, the player shouldn't be able to slip through the door while it's closing. I have adjusted the door's animation to make it work. Another thing with the door is following: Chomper is standing on the pad keeping the third door opened.  When is notices the player, it runs after him releasing the pad. Normally Chomper patrols the surroundings looking for the player, so I had to correct it's behavior, keeping him on the pad. I also had to extend his FOV a bit, otherwise it reacts to the player too late. 
I implemented a switch, a collision with which causes the destuction of the wall and the pad on it. 

I made the teleporter, normally it sends the player to the next level, but for now it teleports to the respawn point.

I modified the pushable box a bit, so it can be pushed off a moving platform and can press the pad.

I implemented the player's damage behavior. Now they can't shoot, but they does damage enemies by jumping from above (like in Mario games) and of course this jump does no damage to the player.

The player now can move while crouching. For example, if the player drops the box too far to the right, they are still able to go around it and push it from the other side.

After reaching 0 XP the game restarts from the begining.


I had troubles with the box on a moving platform, it still flies around a bit, but it's possible to drop it down.

I see now that I had to draw bigger FOV for enemies in the design document, because they have large blind spots.

Invested hours:  about 10 hours

Outcome: build of the Project B game

Files 84 MB
Apr 03, 2023

Get Project B

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